Front-End Developer

Olena Zilinska

The desire for professional growth and self-improvement, responsible, purposeful, capable of creative thinking, ability to learn quickly, highly disciplined, demanding, punctual. Character calm, balanced.


  1. ............[ HTML5, CSS3 ]
  2. ............ [ JavaScript ]
  3. ....................[ React.js, Node.js ]

Work Expirience

English teacher Lyceum 18

September 2020 - up to now | Ukraine

  • Organization of the process of learning.
  • Usage of the latest technologies during the distance learning.
  • Working at the Zoom, Google Meet, Classroom platforms
  • Checking the knowledge level.
  • Using PC during the process of learning.
  • Control of the task fulfilment.

English teacher “Maisternia znan” (“Knowledge workshop”)

November 2017 - August 2021 | Ukraine

  • Making Students Projects.
  • Checking the knowledge level.
  • Organizing excursions on the given topic
  • Arranging festivals and parties.


Got IT

Front-End Developer

September 2022 | Ukraine

National University named after Ivan Franko

Philology. "Language and Literature (English)"

September 2009 - June 2014 | Ukraine